The rules for the pronunciation of the -(e)s ending are the same for:

·        Plurals : books

·        3rd person singular of verbs in the present simple : he plays

·        the Saxon Genitive: Kenīs


voiced = sonora

voiceless= sorda.


It has three different pronunciations:


/s/ when the preceding sound is voiceless


 stops            waits                        books           

/z/ when the preceding sound is voiced


plays               cars                  Kenīs

/iz/ when the preceding sound is sibilant



watches                     kisses           washes


Now listen and repeat. ClicK here


/z/ He lives in London
       He wears a tracksuit.


/s/  He eats very fast
       He walks a lot
       He makes films


/iz/ He never watches TV
       He relaxes after lunch
       He practises his lines