It is said that she...
She is believed to ...

When we talk about what other people say, believe, think ...etc we can use these two structures.

Study these  examples:

Active:   People say that Michael is in love with Mary.       

This sentence has two possible  passive sentences
It is said that Michael is in love with Mary 
is said to be in love with Mary

Let's have a look at the structure of both passives . In the active sentence we have : People say...,where "say" is a Present Simple  , therefore in the passive sentence we use the Present Simple passive : is said. In the active sentence , we have : Michael is in... where again "is " is a present simple, not continuous, therefore in the second passive sentence, the infinitive is its simple form : to be

Let's study another example:

People said that the wanted man is living in Madrid
Passive: It
was said that the wanted man was living in Madrid
The wanted man
was said to be living in Madrid

said= was said                           is living= be living

People think  that Michael scored two goals in the last match
Passive: It
is thought  that Michael scored two goals in the last match
is thought to have scored two goals in the last match

These passive forms can be used  in a formal style and with verbs such as:

say              think           believe         consider         understand       know

report                expect              allege               claim            acknowledge