How to use this guide to Pronunciation. Where especified

♥             Elementary   A1,A2
♥♥           Intermediate B1
♥♥♥        Advanced  B2

Some of the links are outside my website. Please notify me if there are any dead links.

Most common pronunciation mistakes heard in exams


Pronunciation of Vowels and Diphthongs
Pronunciations of Vowels
Pronunciation  of Diphthongs
Pronunciation of Consonants
Pronunciation of more Consonants

Pronunciation of the ArticleTHE
Pronunciation of the ending -ED in the Past
Pronunciation of the ending -ED in the Past. Several Different Links
Pronunciation of some adjectives ending in -ed
Pronunciation of the word "aged"


Comparing two sounds

► Word Stress: different levels of difficulty. Choose yours HERE

► Dictation: Contractions ♥♥
Silent Letters♥♥
Weak Forms
Teaching Diphthongs♥♥
Katy Perry can help you Practise Linking Words

Shadow reading ♥♥♥
Shadow reading
►Shadow reading

►Pronunciation :Odd One Out ♥♥
Pronunciation :Odd One Out♥♥
Pronunciation: Odd One Out♥♥